Well... i have found what was wrong with mine but i don't know how to fix it
whats up with it is that the tyre material is reflecting the floor i found this out by turning off the ground plane, and sure enough the tyre was rubber coloured. the problem is i don't know the material id of the tyre and i don't know how to find it out
Here Swe_Mirox i rendered your skin because Dalek0220 said nobody would, although i do agree it is a bit plain and as you can see from the render it needs to be made in a higher res to make it look better, you could try using these kits to make skins if you have photoshop and i think GIMP can open them too.
when i select the middle vertex it says "vertex 6 selected" but if you select more that one vertex normally it says 2 vertices selected so that kind of leads me to believe that there is only one vertex there.
Edit:- Yay! fixed it (after nearly 2 hours of trying ) the problem was that the MeshSmooth was below the Symetry in the stack illepall
Last edited by the e rocker, .
Reason : Problem fixed